Are you a visitor? Are you looking for a church home? Are you new to Florence? Do you want to know more about us? Use this page to learn more about our church, this community, and ways you can get involved.

What we believe...
At the core of Presbyterian identity is a secure hope in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, a hope that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, empowers us to live lives of gratitude: “In affirming with the earliest Christians that Jesus is Lord, the Church confesses that he is its hope, and that the Church, as Christ’s body, is bound to his authority and thus free to live in the lively, joyous reality of the grace of God.” (Book of Order F-1.0204).
Be Involved
Where do I park?
-Our main parking lot is right across the street from the Shoals Theatre. You are also welcome to park in our lower parking lot or on the street.
Where do I walk in?
-Our main entrance is beside our main parking lot. Walk up the stairs toward the sidewalk and enter into the glass door on the left. If you are just wanting to enter the sanctuary you are welcome to use our main entrance or the wooden Sanctuary doors.
Where is the nursery?
-Take the elevator to the third floor and take two right turns and it will be the first door on the right.
What is worship like?
-We are grounded in traditional worship and music, teaching, and prayer, we facilitate spiritual growth, encourage family worship, practice stewardship of our resources, and maintain service to our community and the world.
What should I wear?
-Wear what makes you comfortable. Some of our members wear traditional church clothes while some dress more casually.​​